Mission Statement
The mission of Han-Schneider International Children’s Foundation is to provide life-saving essentials to the world’s most destitute children.
Vision Statement
Through faith, love and compassion, the Han-Schneider International Children’s Foundation is committed to breaking the cycle of poverty by creating a new cycle of prosperity.
Value of Beliefs
I. Serve children of the world regardless of race, creed or host country’s political ideology.
At the Han-Schneider International Children’s Foundation (HSICF) we do not believe in withholding supplies to needy children for any reason. The HSICF will serve every child in need of basic supplies, without consideration of their skin color, religious beliefs or political ideology. We firmly believe all children are inherently innocent and in the brotherhood of humanity.
II. Embrace and encourage employees of different backgrounds both ethnically and educational.
In order to stay cutting edge and ahead of the competition, the Han-Schneider International Children’s Foundation believes in diversity of opinion. We believe the best way to maintain a diversity of opinion is to embrace employees of different backgrounds. We know that people of different ethnical and educational backgrounds bring unique ways of looking at and resolving issues. Therefore we actively seek employees of diverse backgrounds.
III. Nurture the future generations of non-profit leaders.
The Han-Schneider International Children’s Foundation believes that in order to keep the future of humanitarian aid alive we must nurture and groom the future leaders of NGOs. We do that by offering the opportunity, through either volunteer or internship, to all those with the heart, mind and soul to do humanitarian work.
IV. Ensure all persons with affiliation to the organization act morally and ethically.
In addition to actively seeking those with diverse backgrounds, the Han-Schneider International Children’s Foundation pursues those candidates with a solid set of values. Some of the most important values to our foundation are love, compassion, honesty and integrity. Without question, if any person affiliated with the HSICF acts in a way detrimental to the foundation’s image or reputation he/she will be promptly dismissed.
V. To be a beacon of light for humanitarian aid organizations across the world.
At the Han-Schneider International Children’s Foundation we hold ourselves to the highest of standards. We promise to not only speak of the values included in this document but act upon them. By leading by example, we are confident that the HSICF will be a standard for other non-profit organizations to strive to become.
VI. Above anything else, total commitment to serving the underprivileged children of the world.
We understand that in order to keep the foundation running money is important, but we promise to remember where we started. When the foundation began we were entirely made up of volunteers brought together for one purpose: to serve the underprivileged children of the world. No matter how much the foundation grows, we vow at the Han-Schneider International Children’s Foundation to never falter and continue to carry the founder, Sam Han’s, original vision.